Saturday, December 17, 2011

14 Tewas, 75 Rumah Terbakar Dalam Baku Tembak di Paniai

Mypapua     9:24 PM  

UMAGINEWS---Baku tembak yang melibatkan lebih dari empat batalyon tempur TNI dari Batalyon Kostrad 753, Brimob dan Detasemen 88 - semua unit dipersenjatai, dilatih, dan dipasok oleh Pemerintah Australia - dikerahkan dalam serangan untuk mengepung markas besar Tentara Pembebasan Nasional (TPN-OPM), di bawah komando Jenderal Jhon Yogi pada tanggal 13 Desember lalu, dilaporkan telah menewaskan 14 warga sipil. 

Nick Chesterfield, Editor dan Journalist untuk West Papua Media melaporkan selain 14 orang tewas dan 6 orang terluka
selama kejadian baku tembak antara TNI/Polri dan kelompok yang diduga TPN/OPM pimpinan John Yogi di Paniai, 13 Desember lalu itu, serangan militer tersebut telah mengakibatkan 75 rumah, 6 sekolah, dan sekitar 25 bangunan lainnya terbakar dalam total 27 desa di Kabupaten Paniai.

Beberapa laporan lainnya menyebutkan bahwa dua helikopter sipil digunakan selama penyerangan beberapa kampung pada tanggal 13,4 dan 15. Helikopter ini diduga digunakan untuk menjatuhkan bom dan senjata kimia dalam penyerbuan tersebut. 

Sumber-sumber gereja menyebutkan bahwa hingga saat ini warga terus mengungsi ke Enarotali untuk mencari perlindungan. Walaupun polisi telah mendirikan pusat perawatan, namun pusat perawatan tersebut diawasi dengan sangat ketat. Warga dilarang meninggalkan bantuan makanan bagi keluarga mereka di pusat perawatan tersebut. Tiga warga dilaporkan telah meninggal di pusat perawatan tersebut. Aktivis Kemanusiaan lokal setempat juga melaporkan bahwa penduduk lokal sedang terancam penahanan dan pemukulan jika mereka mencoba memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan pada orang-orang yang ditahan paska baku tembak.  

Berikut nama-nama warga yang tewas akibat tertembak dalam insiden di Paniai :

Tapupai Gobay (30) 
Tawe Bunai Awe (30) 
Uwi Gobay (35) 
Wate Nawipa (25) 
Martinus Gobay (29)
Owdei Yeimo (35) 
Ruben Gobay (25) 
Paul Gobay (42) 
Bernadus Yogi (23) 
Demianus Yogi (15) 
Simon Kogoya (40) 
Simon Yogi (30) 
Luke Kudiai (25) 
Alfius Magai (20) 

Terluka :

Paschal Kudiai (15) 
Martinus Kudiai (30) 
David Mote (40) was 
Amandus Kudiai (43)
Yohan Yogi (21)
Mon Yogi (20)

Tiga orang yang meninggal di pusat perawatan : 


Apa solusi dan tindakan kita bersama! dalam  bulan Suci (natal)  bagi Umat Kristiani (Nasrani)   biarkan rakyat jadi korban….. atauka?  kita cari solusi apa? Yang punya kekuasan penuh untuk Paniai Damai atau tidak ada ditangan  Bupati Paniai (Pemda Exsekutif), Kepala Birokrasi (Yudiakatrif) Dewan Perwakilan rakyat (DPR/Legislatif) Kabupaten Paniai dan Dewan adat, Kepala suku, LSM, Intelektual Paniai.?.............. **Umagi)
UMAGINEWS - The Indonesian military forces surrounded the village Eduda master with the TPN-OPM Alleged Headquarters Division II Region IV Makodam Justice defender Jhon M Paniai leader Yogi, (Son of bladder Thadius M. Yogi) throw bombs from Air, Water Spray the dirty air through There's a place where residents Civil, shoot air and land, and burning houses of civilians with assets owned by the People's inhuman violence to human rights violations (Human Rights), starting from today on Tuesday morning (13-14/12) still ahold of military-police Places eduda village Paniai district.RIL conditions so Paniai Military operations area (DOM) The Indonesian military violence criminal actions (brutal) pure, not in accordance with the procedures Indonesian Law and International Law, which is obviously why we say demiakian because they do not have a warrant or letter of the clear task of the Party Police and the TNI-Menkopolkam / president of Indonesia to arrest, and burn Penyejaran Asset ownership Civilians Paniai Eduda.gunfire begins with a throw bombs from the air, through the Air Spray the dirty water, air and ground shooting, and burning houses. The shooting of the Tni_Polri, not because of the attack of the Parties to the TPN-OPM, "There is no invasion of the TPN-OPM, when armed, military-police found a village near the Capital District Eduda Paniai Paniai with allegations made TPN-OPM headquarters," said Head of Police Public Relations Division of Public Information,then Pengusahan Owned Helicopters Military Assets in Baiye Blue Degeuwo repeatedly turn over Eduda, helicopters were facilitated to send troops Tiam joint TNI-police district capital Paniai Madii To places Eduda village. The next Army Mobile Brigade and Police plus Eduda already mastered. All the surrounding residents in fear, unable to move.They've been displaced, "said Chairman of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) Region Paniai, Abel Nawipa told reporters in Enarotali, Tuesday afternoon.TPN OPM post-occupation headquarters, the evening starts to look thick coals of fire and smoke soared. Thick clouds of smoke at the headquarters of TPN OPM clearly visible from the City Enarotali. The operation is done completely with the main reason is pursuing two guns belonging Komopa Police, District Agadide, who allegedly taken subordinates John Magai Yogi, August 16, 2011 last.That's not the main reason they pursued two guns but Paniai Military operations area (DOM) they (tonnes-Police) do By order of President Yudhoyono, Papua Police, Police Paniai As well as the Regents, Local Government, Parliament, District Paniai, why I can katakakan thus some time ago regent Paniai Stating that the TPN-OPM Paniai Jhon leadership. Yogi has a AK47 M (in the local media papua star), as well as the Special Envoy of the President of Indonesia DR. Farid Hussein to TPN-OPM West Papuan Pinpinan Jhon. through some of the Special Envoy of the President to build the peace negotiations in order to solve the problem of Papua. This is explained Vice-Chairman of National Human Rights Commission of Matthew Murib, Chairman of the Synod of the Church in Papua Rev. KINGMI. Beny Giay accompanied by the Rev. Albert Keiya and Ev.Dominggus Pigay convey information related to incidents of violence in Paniai and other issues before Christmas 2011 in the Office of the Synod of the Church KINGMI in Papua, Jayapura, Tuesday (29/11)He said, DR. Farid Hussein, said the official policy of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono that peaceful negotiation and dialogue to seek solutions to solving the problems of Papua has been started following the coming of each DR. Farid Hussein, a negotiator who never reconcile political conflict RI-GAM in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, and the Head Unit to Accelerate Development of the Papua and West Papua (UP4B) Bambang Darmono. (Papua star local media)TPN-OPM leader said Paniai Negotiations conducted by various parties to peace in Papua it is not a solution for the people of West Papua. Papua People's Sovereignty mintah Independence is the recognition of West Papuans. (Source edudanews)As a result of gunfire for about two days, no casualties were reported. Only, it is not certain the number of casualties on both sides as well as local civilians has been no official information about casualties on both sides. But according to information from a source, there are three shooting victims are being treated in hospitals Paniai. Not known, whether the victims were members of the TNI and Police override or TPN OPM. "There was entered in the operating room. But, sorry, I can not love data, "said one of the nurses in hospitals to Madi (,)Furthermore Paniai've Regional Military operations (DOM) in Papua since Indonesia Entering Paniai, Tni-proof rogue police and menyepung blindly sweeping through the air (helicopter) throw Bombs, Dirty Water Spray the air near the residence of civilians kampong eduda then gunfire, Burning houses and property of civilians in Eduda Paniai number of homes that burned about 70-an belih, who lived in the villages surrounding panic. Some ran to find a hiding place. Some people crossed into Enarotali. Meanwhile, members of the TPN OPM leadership of John Magai Yogi sneaking in the forests around Mount Wege wait while the military shot from the air by Helicopter aircraft.What is the solution and our actions together! in the Holy month (Christmas) for Christians (Christians) let the people be a victim ... .. atauka? What we are looking for a solution?Who have full power to Paniai Peace or no hands Regent Paniai (Government Exsekutif), Head of Bureaucracy (Yudiakatrif) House of Representatives (Parliament / Legislative) District Council Paniai and customary chiefs, NGOs, Intellectual Paniai .?.... .......... ** Umagi)


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