As anticipated, action alerts by May 1, 2013 is remembered as the Papua People's Day 50th Anniversary of Annexation Areas of West Papua (New Guinea) into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia), was celebrated differently in some places. But the actions of the warning, the Indonesian security forces (TNI / Police) has conducted a series of repressive and brutal action against any action taken in several areas such as, Sorong, Fak-Fak, Biak, Nabire and Timika. Indonesian security forces seemed to cling to the classical foundation that continues to be controversy until today that on May 1, 1969 ago, Papua has joined back into the lap of mother motherland. Therefore, the authority Homeland absolute fixed price and can not be contested!
On the eve of the anniversary of the annexation of May 1, 2013 in Sorong for example, had been a tragic incident that memakam victims. Where Indonesian security forces (joint Police / Army) on Friday night April 30, 2013, has conducted indiscriminate attacks against Papuans in a complex in Aimas Sorong. In the attack, a number of people were injured, including two young Papuans dead at the scene. They are Abner Malagawa (20 yrs) and Thomas Blesia (28 yrs) who died of hot lead that hit their body. Meanwhile, a woman named Salomina Klaibin (37 yrs) who was also hit by a bullet, finally died after being critically while undergoing surgery remove the bullet that lodged in his body at one of the hospitals in Sorong.
Responding to a crackdown by Indonesian security in various parts of Papua on the anniversary of May 1, 2013, especially the tragic events in Aimas Sorong, Papua activists in Jayapura which consists of the youth and students and conduct coordination meetings successively in several places around Abepura. Koorrdinasi meeting then more emphasis on efforts to respond to events that occur in Aimas nerdarah Sorong. Of the meeting that was attended by activists from a number of organ movements and student organizations, produced an agreement that should respond to the Indonesian security forces crackdown on the people of Papua in Sorong and a few other areas of human rights through solidarity actions matter.
Solidarity action is planned to be done in the form of pernyaatan press along with invited reporters and then will be followed by protests along (mass demonstration) to the MRP office, legislature or to the Office of the Governor. After passing through various stages of coordination, in order to smooth the action plan demonstrations on Monday, May 13, 2013, team solidarity and action make action plans notification addressed to the Regional Police (Police) and the Papuan city of Jayapura Police Station. The letter was then put on Friday May 10.
Included in a letter to the police, in which some of the names listed as responsible for the action; Jason Ngelia and Septi Maidodga as the representative BEM-MPM Uncen, Bovit Bofra chairman of the Papuan People's Democratic Movement (Garda-P), Victor Yeimo as chairman of the Committee West Papua National / KNPB) and Marthen Manggaprouw of representatives of West Papua National Autority (WPNA). Then, in the afternoon followed by further coordination meetings between the activists who joined in solidarity action plan.
One day after the implementation of the action included notification, through the Papua Police Intelligence and security staff (Intelkam) then contacted via phone and ask the representative in charge of the action to be able to meet the director Intelkam Police action will be held subject. Bovit Bofra and Jason Ngelia as the representative in charge of the action and then summons the Papua Regional Police Headquarters is located in the heart of the City of Jayapura, Saturday, May 11, at 09 am. They met the director of Field Intelkam Papua Police Commissioner (Pol) James Marzuki.
In a small meeting which lasted quite tough and tense in the room Intelkam Police director, Sr. James Marzuki asked them to clarify the action plan will be held. In addition to questioning the validity of the organs joined in solidarity because its existence is not listed in the Agency Kesbangpol. Party Police also questioned the notification action plans that are considered too politicized situation as potentially disturb the public (kantibmas). Because the content of the notification action plan aimed to Papua Police and the Jayapura Police Station stated that the case penyerbuaan conducted joint military-police apparatus in Aimas Sorong as a "human tragedy" because it causes Papuan civilians became casualties.
The term 'tragedy' in the letter according to Police Commissioner James Intelkam director Marzuki) is not a fundamental and unacceptable. Instead, according to him, the actions taken by the security forces was based on procedures applicable laws in the Republic of Indonesia. Moreover, according to him, the group was subjected to an ambush in Aimas shoves it terindaikasi strong will endanger the security and stability Negara Indonesia through warning May 1, 2013. After giving statements thus, director Intelkam Papua Police then issued a letter of denial of execution of the action that took place on Monday, May 13, 2013.
It's just, in the rejection letter it is mentioned only as the name of Victor Yeimo KNPB chairman who was in charge of the action. Yet according to a notice before action, obviously tercamtum some responsible action names that represent their respective organizations. In addition, the director also confirmed Intelkam Luke Enembe attitude the Governor, who said that the demonstrations will only hinder the process of development in Papua. Responding to the statement, and clarify Bovit and Jason rejection letter from the Papua police and the intent action plan to be carried out. But still going to bargain with the various arguments for about 20 minutes.
Since there is no common agreement, and Jason finally Bovit Bofra Ngelia reluctantly affirmed their commitment that according to the agreement, the action will still be done on Monday, May 13, 2013. However, the director Intelkam also responded by asserting that it (Papua Police) remained permit any and want action was performed. When the action remains enforced, the parties responsible for the mass of those involved and their actions prepared for all risks that occur, including the legal ramifications.
Implementation of Action
After a meeting that does not reach an agreement with the director Intelkam Papua Police Commissioner (Pol) James Marzuki, the activists who joined in solidarity meeting resumed strengthening coordination of action, although police do not condone the implementation of the action. Furthermore, appropriate coordination final on Sunday night of May 12, 2013, the person in charge of the action has been agreed that the onset of action for organizing the mass before heading to the office MRP will be centered in two different locations: in front of the gate Cenderasih University Campus (Uncen) Abepura and Gate Campus Uncen Waena.
Arrived on Monday, May 13, 2013, the action in two different places at the start of mass gathering at time 06.30 Jayapura (Papua). Supported the implementation of a number of attributes such action; megaphone and banners. In front of the gate Uncen Abepura, the action begins with a few close students entry-exit gate so the campus crippling lecture activity. Thus was the case in the area of highway to Campus Uncen Waena. Students joined in solidarity action also lowers the barrier blocking the highway usually used to the Campus Uncen Waena.
Action in both places at the same time it's almost done and then followed by speeches from the students take turns to collect the mass action. Mass is concentrated at the front gate Campus Uncen Waena coordinated Jason Ngelia, Bovit Bofra and Marthen Manggaprouw. While the action in front of the gate Campus Uncen Abepura coordinated Septi Maidodga and Agus Kadepa who appear confident wearing a yellow jacket Uncen alma mater. While the students are doing speeches alternately under Campus Uncen Waena gate, came Vice Rector (PR) Student Affairs III, Drs. Paul Homer and Assistant Dean (PD) III FISIP Uncen, Drs. Piet Yan Morin to negotiate with Jason Ngelia as the coordinator of the action. At that time the PR III asked Jason had to disperse the crowd because of the action taken is felt disturbing activity course.
Had been a bargain, but Jason, along with existing mass determined to carry out the action. Not long ago, around 0915, two cars and a truck Dalmas baracuda Jayapura Police Station is in it filled with dozens of members of Brimob and several police cars diiringgi siren wailing suddenly appeared from the direction of Abepura and stopped at the side of the road a few meters from the gate. From inside a car out Head Operation Jayapura Police Station, Police Commissioner (Commissioner) Kiki Kurnia accompanied by his men.
See Head of Ops out of the car, Jason was suddenly shouting to the masses; "let our friends give welcome to the provocateurs who came," accompanied by applause patterned mock. Commissioner Kiki Kurnia then approached and greeted PR III Uncen Paul Homer, PD III Fisip Uncen Yan Piet Morin, then continues to Jason and his friends. After that, PR III Paul Homer asks Kiki Kurnia always kepolian help negotiate with the students in order to open the gate. Kiki then asked permission and gave the command to his men to close latch. Seeing this, Jason, and then lead the masses to take a distance, take cover behind the bars of the fence campus. Together also had a debate with PR III Paul Homer for having allowed the police to open the gate.
When negotiating efforts, mass KNPB totaling 30 people with a car guided Victor Yeimo coordinated command, walking from the direction of the hostel Son Uncen while carrying banners and join the 50's students who had already gathered under the arch. Victor Yeimo then delivered his speech and even the booming mass amounts to nearly 100 of the people. Seeing a growing mass, Kiki Kurnia then give clear warning to the masses that the police would detain command car (car guiding action). But Victor is Yeimo speeches, said unequivocally that the command car part of the action so that the police have no right to take it.
Further argument had occurred between the Head of Ops Commissioner Victor Kiki Kurnia so that the mass is also more soluble in quietness with the police. Seeing this situation, Jayapura police chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Alfred Papare which at the same time arrived at the scene and tried to calm the masses with flat-pitched statements (diplomatically).
But at the same time, Kiki Kurnia also ordered his men to take over the car guides the action of the masses and brought the car to the tree upright ketapan which stood not far from the gate. But the masses with some furious action responsible urge that command car was not arrested. Police chief responded with guarantees that the command car (guide action) will not be retained.
After that, the police chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Alfred Papare trying to negotiate again with the person in charge of the action so that the action should not be done with a lot of mass to the MRP. Still enough to send 10 representatives of responsible action in order to meet the MRP leadership aspirations. You see the police chief, his party through the Papua Police last night (the night of May 12 mingggu) has coordinated with relevant MRP leaders plan rally people to this cultural institution. Again according to the police chief, the members of the MRP has signaled that they would only accept 10 people representative of the masses. Because there is concern if the huge crowds marched to the office of the MRP, would be undermined in this office facilities.
Heard the police chief explanation, responsible for mass action and remain determined to walk together toward the MRP office without having menggutus representation. This had been a matter of bargaining between Jayapura police chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner and Head of Ops Alfred Papare Kiki Commissioner Kurnia, the person in charge of the action. In this situation, speech is still being conducted alternately with bargaining. But the police chief Alfred Papare confirmed that the mass was not allowed to do the long march to the office of the MRP. Confirmation hearing police chief, then called for mass Kapolrestas must prepare a vehicle that can be boarded to the MRP office. But because there is no other vehicle to be boarded, the police chief ordered his men offered inside the truck to go down because the truck will transport the masses to the MRP.
But the police chief unwanted bid by Victor Yeimo who was still in control of the loudspeakers. Refusal to hear it, the police chief asked the masses to be patient about 20 minutes because the police are working on another truck for carrying masses to MRP. Police then managed to take 2 regular truck toward the gate and did not last long before Victor Yeimo mass coordinate for an orderly rise to a truck that has been provided. When the masses are fused at the front gate Uncen also brought pictures of shooting victims in Aimas shoves and a few banners that read: "We Demand Commander, Chief of Police, the Governor of Papua and West Papua Governor Responsible for shooting tragedy in Aimas Sorong; Urgent opening access the UN Special Rapporteur to Papua: We Need Support from States on the Pacific Melanesian brothers and sisters in Papua Papua People's Representative Office Support the Establishment of Free West Papua Campaign in Oxford England. "
After the truck to be fully boarded, the masses who do not ride truck geared to be able to use the motor to form a convoy. But the police did not allow the masses to use the motor for truck convoy together. Finally masses using geared motors through the streets Boarding Putrid's subsequent wait in front of the entrance of housing faculty Uncen Otto Wospakrik. While the masses are using trucks to move slowly. However, when a convoy of trucks filled masses arrived in front of the bridge Adventist Church within 50 meters from the gate where the mass is concentrated early, chaotic sempta occur caused by the police.
As a result, some of the masses who are already hooked on the truck and jumped out while trying to shelter from the advancing police and Brimob members who want to intentionally disperse the crowd. Marthen Manggaprouw who is responsible for the action of one trying to calm the topsy turvy times but failed. A number of the masses and throw stones at the police. Action of attacking each other, pull a punch and raw ensued. In the chaotic atmosphere, some of them responsible for actions; Victor Yeimo (30s yr), Marthen Manggaprouw (30's yrs) and two students named Yong Ulimpa (20's yrs) and Elly Kobak (20's yrs) arrested , beaten, and dragged into a car police custody. Mass while others flee.
Mark Giban (20s yr) a student who was riding a motorcycle around the site also suffered riots Dalmas truck collision of Police. His hands were broken and he also had struck the police. A few minutes later, the situation calmed down. But the number of police personnel and armed Brimob or holding cane, until the plainclothes security personnel increasingly around the site of action. After going through negotiations with the police chief, and then directed back up the mass of 2 trucks and command cars to get to the office in Kotaraja MRP. After the procession set off toward the procession vehicles with heavily guarded office MRP 2 barracuda car, 10 truck load Dalmas in which police and Brimob and several other police vehicles.
Mass is escorted from the security forces arrived at the MRP Housing 3 at around 12:10 WP. While the car carrying the four prisoners: Victor Yeimo, Marthen Manggaprouw, Yong Ulimpa and Elly Kobak steadily moving towards Jayapura Police Headquarters. Arriving in Mapolresta Jayapura, Victor Yeimo with my friends who were detained briefly reveal the whereabouts via sms that they have been beaten by police officers. While the total mass of the 40s mix of students and student Uncen Umel Mandiri is concentrated in Abepura Uncen gate can not move to the MRP office. They intercepted dozens of police and Brimob police chief who coordinated Abepura Decky Wow AKP in front of the fence gate Uncen abe.
Negotiation efforts with Decky Kapolsekta Wow has done Septi Maidodga as stunt coordinator for the police to let them move to the MRP office by way of long march or ride vehicle. But the request was rejected on the grounds that they do long march will disrupt vehicular traffic around Abepura and Kotaraja. Instead, police chief Abepura, Decky Wow, suggested that Septi Maidodga and his colleagues remain just under the archway Uncen Abe as he continued giving speeches, after which they can disperse in an orderly manner. Confirmation hearing Abepura police chief, Septi with mass also carried a banner that contains criticism of the government and security forces stand still and hold speeches in turn.
While the total mass of the '70s who had entered the yard office MRP guarded by police and Brimob officers lined up in a circle around the courtyard. While in the courtyard outside the edge of the highway, also lined up dozens of officers carrying guns and holding a cane there. Because pages MRP guarded office, a number of residents who want to join the masses was blocked and expelled. In the pages of this cultural institution's office also conducted alternately speech while asking the leaders and the members of the MRP out to meet the masses. But for about 40 minutes, no leaders and members of the MRP are out to meet the masses.
Later on in the room of a police officer who preach to the masses that the leadership and members of the MRP is not willing to meet the masses outside. They just want to see some representatives of the masses. But the mass refused if only those representatives who met with leaders and members of the MRP in a closed room. The disappointed masses are forced to wait while listening to speeches urging Buchtar Tabuni MRP members out to meet the masses. In his speech Buchtar said, if the leaders and members of the MRP can not be found, they'll come back at a later time, even though the people of Papua have assumed gone MRP.
Because wait long enough, a person in charge of the action began deliberation and decided that the masses can be repatriated. However, when the mass action was about to get out of the yard MRP, police officers blocking them as members of the MRP has been willing menemusi mass. Masses who want to go home eventually turned to MRP page. But they came face to face with members of the MRP, led its chairman, Timothy Murib. Massa just turned MRP members with a view toward the highway. Buchtar Tabuni when delivering speeches, could excite a sense of frustration because the members of the MRP has refrained and did not want to see a mass of early. By doing so, according Buchtar Papua masses still assume the existence of MRP is not there so the masses will be home soon.
After Buchtar say so, the members of the MRP was not given an opportunity to submit a response. Massa subsequently disbanded in an orderly and walked out of the pages MRP to the highway to find a ride to the vehicle and Housing Abepura 3 Waena. However, due to the existence of mass in the street feels impede traffic flow, traffic police allow mob boarded the truck they were in the back yard to the Housing MRP 3 Waena. In a convoy traveling from office to Waena MRP, mass dianggkut 2 truck and a car tour back action guarded by security forces.
Upon arriving at the Housing 3, the mass remaining and concentrated again under the tree ketapan Uncen Waena front gate. They negotiate after that doing a picture together in front of a banner that was also taken during the action. Some journalists also allowed taking photos and information of related actions that have been done. After that, the remaining mass prayer is directed to close the series of their actions. After the mob dispersed orderly at 2:30 WP.
Seeing the masses that have been disbanded, the police and Brimob personnel who had been guarding them since morning also was gradually leaving the scene of Housing 3 with their vehicles. After this action, around 5pm WP, Victor Yeimo arrested that day and taken to be separated with 3 other prisoners. Yet moments after Victor Yeimo, Marthen Manggaprouw, Yong Ulimpa and Elly Kobak Mapolresta taken to Jayapura, some lawyers have attempted to rescue them in 1x24 hours. However, these efforts failed. Victor himself arrested because police argued he live the rest of his sentence has not been sentenced when some time ago. He might be prosecuted again, depending on what type of charges will be imposed on him.